F100P/F200P Programmable UV Flood Curing Lamp
The F100P/F200P is a programmable UV flood curing lamp. The F100P/F200P integrates all system components into a small lamp which can be easily mounted anywhere on a factory floor, with virtually no cabling or remote control boxes required. Just mount the lamp, connect the AC line cord, and start timed exposure curing! The system contains an integrated retractable shade type shutter, which allows for repeatable exposure timing, and shields the user from UV radiation.
The system’s LCD display and digital keypad make programming and monitoring of curing operations a snap. The long life 400/600-Watt metal halide type lamp and parabolic reflector illuminate an 8 x 6 inch curing area with evenly distributed 200mW/cm2 UVA light (320–390nm). The arc lamp is powered by the state of the art UV Power-Plus Lamp Driver.
Download Bulletin for F200P Programmable UV Light Curing System
Download Specification for UVA Metal Halide Lamp - Lamp Spectral Distribution